Stronger together

The European Parliament election on June 9, 2024, is in many ways a pivotal election that will determine the direction Europe takes in the coming years. Not since World War II has Europe faced such extensive challenges as it does now. Russia's invasion war in Ukraine, urgent environmental and climate issues, and international crime are just a few examples of the many cross-border issues we must address immediately. I am running in the election because I believe that stronger EU cooperation is not only desirable but absolutely necessary if we are to address these issues.

But for me, the EU also has a social dimension. I want more people to get the opportunity to experience the freedom to travel, study, or work in another EU country, just as I, as a researcher, have had the opportunity to do over the past five years. Or to find love and start a family with someone from another country, just as I have also had the opportunity to do.

A vote for me and the Liberals is a vote for both a stronger EU with greater capacity to solve cross-border problems and a freer EU where we can travel and trade freely between countries. By building a stronger Europe, we also build a stronger Sweden for the future.

Fredrik Brange

Age | 34 yrs
Education | PhD in quantum physics, engineer
Profession | Researcher
Family | Partnered
Political positions | President of the Liberal Party in Lund

My priorities

An EU that fosters peace and freedom

In a time of war in Europe, EU cooperation is more important than ever. The EU must continue to wholeheartedly support Ukraine and stand up for freedom and democracy around the world – also at home.

I want to see:

  Increased economic and military support to Ukraine, including a roadmap for future EU membership

  Enhanced foreign and defense cooperation to give the EU more weight on the international stage

  Enhanced protection of democracy and the rule of law within the EU's own member states

More cooperation to address the big challenges of our time

Europe is facing several major challenges: climate change, security, international crime, and economic problems. These are cross-border issues that can only be addressed through stronger EU cooperation.

I want to see:

  Drastically reduced greenhouse gas emissions (at least 95 percent by 2040 compared to 1990 levels) and climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest

  A common European police force that can effectively combat cross-border crime

  A completed internal market that strengthens EU competitiveness and fosters sustainable growth and more jobs

An EU without border hassle and discrimination

I want more people to get the opportunity to experience the freedom to travel, study, or work in another EU country, just as I have had the opportunity to do over the past five years. Although much has been achieved in recent decades, there is still much left to accomplish to complete the free movement within the EU.

I want to see:

  Introduction of the euro in Sweden – it is time to upgrade our EU membership from basic to premium

  Full recognition of marriage and parenthood between EU countries, including for same-sex couples

  A strengthened Schengen area without internal border controls

  Common standards for digital services (e.g., Swish and BankID) so that they are compatible when traveling between different EU countries

  A common European tax agreement that simplifies taxation rules for individuals living and working in different EU countries

Do you agree?

In that case, you have the opportunity to vote for me in the European Parliament election on June 9, 2024. I have candidate number 28 on the Liberal Party's ballot.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments before the election.

Email address:

Thank you for your support!

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